"Some ADHD people are extremely intelligent, others have average or even below average IQ. Some come from supportive homes, others come from dysfunctional families and had to raise themselves. All of these factors affect the impact of ADHD on the life of the individual. The child genius who has supportive parents will be better able to compensate for his or her ADHD. Many ADHD adults have learned to hide their cluttered desks behind closed office doors; they learn to look attentive even when they have no idea what has just been said. These and other survival skills help to cloak their ADHD. But, eventually, even the child genius finds that coping skills only go so far. Frustration becomes more apparent as the gap between ability and actual performance grows. After years of being able to get by on innate intelligence and other abilities, these undiagnosed ADHD adults realize that there is nothing left in their bag of tricks. Research on ADHD adults illustrates the scope of the problem. Twenty-five percent of ADHD participants in the study did not graduate from high school versus 1% of the participants who did not have ADHD." -Do You Have Adult ADHD? Why Diagnosis Is Critical | ADDitude - Adults and Children with ADD ADHD

    --- I'm learning that I've developed some coping mechanisms over the past few years to hide or make my shortcomings seem less extreme/embarrassing/pathetic to other people and myself. I didn't even realize this was happening. Sometimes these coping mechanisms can be good. For example, as long as it doesn't interfere with you're overall performance, ways of hiding your symptoms might be better for your employment.

     But unfortunately, these tricks can prevent us from getting the help we need, when we need it, instead of after we've already caused huge problems for ourselves. I know that if I had recognized my ADHD symptoms sooner, I may have finished high school sooner. (In hindsight, Florida Virtual School was probably not the best idea..at least not without my teachers' knowledge of my ADHD). I would have done much better my first year in college. And my social life would not have been impacted as much as it has by me putting things off and being forgetful.

    Thinking about & discussing these things is not throwing yourself a pity party, but instead a way of realizing that your past failings without treatment were not completely your fault and eventually learning to forgive yourself. (See my previous post about being hard on ourselves for more.)

    I also want to note, especially for my new followers that don't know much about this, that people suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder experience varying levels of symptoms from minor to severe and not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Too often than not, this condition (as well as many other disorders) are trivialized by those that either don't have the condition or those with only minor symptoms that don't need much treatment. The stigmas associated with mental illness and learning disabilities is slowly dissipating in our society, but not fast enough.

         P.S. I need to take my own advice and put everything I've learned to use in    my life. Unfortunately, doing this is much more difficult than you'd think and I'm sure my fellow ADDer's & those with depression or anxiety symptoms can relate. It's okay to always be a work in progress. Just try to keep working at it.

I've moved! You can find 'Look, a Squirrel' at look-a-squirrel.tumblr.com. I'm still posting here for a little while for your convenience, but I'll be switching over in the next month. You can view the blog without having a Tumblr account but I'd love it if you would follow me so I can get to know you. :)

Book, Textbook by Jiri Hodan

  Most of the time I have major difficulty reading. Not because its hard and not because what I'm reading is boring. I always try to pick books that I really want to read, especially books by Margaret Atwood. Mid paragraph my mind takes me to random places.

  I wander to this morning, remembering the funny manner of the barista at Starbucks and how I left my headphones at my apartment. Then I realize my eyes have continued reading without me and I have to go back a few sentences.

   I start again.

   "I could picture the smooth oval of Laura's face, her neatly pinned chignon, the dress she would have been wearing: a shirtwaist with a small rounded collar, in a sober colour - navy blue or steel grey or hospital-corridor green."..........I have to remember to call my mom back later...I hope she's doing okay...I miss the other cats at our house...Crap I forgot to take Winnie out....Oh yeah, Brennan did...Wait. I'm reading my book right now.

   Go back.

   "I could picture the smooth oval of Laura's face, her neatly pinned chignon, the dress she would have been wearing: a shirtwaist with a small rounded collar, in a sober colour - navy blue or steel grey or hospital-corridor green. Penitential colours - less like something she'd chosen to put on than like something she'd been locked up in. Her---"

   ...the people over there are way too loud...stop listening to them...my hands feel dry....forgot lotion...i can use chap-stick on my cuticles, though...I have a hang nail...don't chew on it...don't chew on it...chew on it....I shouldn't have chewed on it... And they just keep coming.

   I unconsciously stop and let the thoughts flood my attention. The hangnail reminds me of my mother humorously stopping me from chewing on my nails at Easter dinner. The nail was half-way off and I had to finish it. We joke about nail biting all of the time so I humorously start again and she stops me once more, when my grandmother asks me, "Why are you chewing on your nails?"

   There really is no answer and I'm caught off guard, but it doesn't matter because my father has been talking to my sister and everyone else goes on with the conversation. It's just a habit that started recently, but once I start I can't stop or else the uneven ridges bother me and I can't concentrate on anything else fully, like when my pants are too tight or I feel like I can't get comfortable.

   I feel so immature even though it has nothing to do with maturity.
   Stop. Alright, focus...

   "Her solemn half-smile; the amazed lift of her eyebrows, as if she were admiring the view. The white gloves: a Pontius Pilate gesture. She was washing her hands of me. Of all of us."

   I finally absorb the paragraph but I want a better reading experience and I'm disappointed with how long that took. I contemplate starting the chapter over since I'm not that far in, but I don't because I know I'll just wander off again, especially since I've already read that part.

 So, I don't know why the gif's aren't working in my last post, but here's another Terrible Teacher meme. :)
  GGRRRR!!!! So, here's my meme rant about what I have to deal with in a certain class. I'm thinking this is a relatively healthy way of processing this hair-pulling ridiculousness. This in no way truly conveys how bad it is, but it's a start! lol....I didn't feel like generating my own memes, so I picked Terrible Teacher ones that are relevant and added onto them. Enjoy!


And then she randomly makes a joke and wonders why we're not laughing with her.




Unfortunately for me, it take me 3x as long as everyone else to re-check what she did.



My version: Test is ridiculously hard with unfair questions. Complains about having to figure out which questions not to count and how long it takes to grade them.



My Version: Lectures us like we're adolescents. Treats us like we're already in the medical field and says we're going to kill someone.



Late all the time. Wants an explanation.

"I don't need to know your personal business."

   Throughout the day I have varying levels of motivation. It's so inconsistent and is influenced by so many variables: random stresses of the day, when was the last time I ate, where I am in my cycle, how much sleep I got the night before, how focused I am, and how depressed I feel.

   But then there's my overall level of motivation over the course of a week or two....or three.......or six...lollololol. No but seriously, my motivation just got up and left a few weeks ago. Nothing substantial has changed, but my motivation has. Sure, I'm dealing with the Physiology professor from HELL that makes me feel like I'm back in high school, but if anything that should keep me motivated not to "screw up" and have her on my case, right? (I can't believe I have a professor like this, this late in the game...She treats us all like we're failing whether we are or not and wants an explanation for any short coming...but then tells us she doesn't need to hear our personal business.......really?)
  I've been working on a post full of memes expressing my feelings during class. I'll share it as soon as I'm done.

   But anyways.... How do youget out of your 'no motivation rut?'
    Sometimes I study in silence but when there are distracting noises around (people whispering to each other, typing on their computers, packing up theirs stuff) I usually have to listen to non-distracting music. I don't us this very often, but below is a couple examples of a songs in a "study music" playlist on Youtube that someone made.
   Not all of the songs are good for me to listen to while I study, but I'm sure they would work for different types of people.

   I have a blog post about making and breaking habits in my Health & Fitness blog. It's highly relevant to ADHD behaviors, so you should check it out. 

   In addition to how our ADHD minds can be going in many different directions at once, sitting down to write or do something of the like, often leaves us drawing a blank.
   Just sitting down to write this blog, I was having that problem. I'm excited to write it, I have many ideas I want to include, but after I compiled the images for the blog I found myself just staring at the empty space not knowing how to begin.

   As we all know, going to college forces you to acquire skills that you haven't acquired already and improve the ones you've had all along. College thrusts responsibility on you, but for many with ADHD they don't have the resources or close relationships that guided them in school before. This is a rude awakening for people who weren't diagnosed until they were in college, like I was.
   These new responsibilities should be embraced positively, allowing you to grow as a self-sufficient person.
   I am one of many individuals that place a high value on education and I believe learning should be life long, but ADHD loves to creep up on me and interfere with any or everything I should be or want to be doing. Many facets of ADHD, like compulsiveness, distractability, difficulty reading, poor time measuring, and/or spaciness make doing what you're supposed to for classes in your free time extremely difficult.  

   So, on to the main point.

   I know what I should be doing overall, but the long list of tasks becomes overwhelming to tackle. Then I decide, well, I've got to start somewhere. So, I whip out my favorite subject, Anatomy & Physiology, and take out paper to take notes.
   The white paper stares back at me and the words in my book seem to be unorganized, confusing, and/or so complicated I become discouraged and overwhelmed. My brain races as I'm compiling information to put in my notes and I find it difficult to only write down the key points instead of the entire text of the chapter.
    I begin and it takes me so long to figure out what to write and then start the first page of my notes that I'm either out of time before my next class, it's time for me to go somewhere or do something with Brennan, or I get hungry, tired, antsy, or any other reason for forcing or tempting me to stop.
   I firmly believe in breaks, but when it takes me so long to do things, I feel like I can't justify a break when I hardly get anything done.

   This problem permeates my other activities as well. For example, it takes me a long time to decide which colors of yarn to choose for a crochet project and what I'm going to wear, and what I'm going to make for dinner.

   All, the while I'm constantly aware of all of the negative consequences my inaction or wrong actions would cause. It's like there's this imaginary mean old teacher scolding me and reminding me of what will happen if I fail. She represents so many people in my life, some whom I've never talked to and some that talk to me often: the school administration, the Nursing school selection committee, my professors, my parents and other family, and . . . . myself.
   Sure, there are times when I feel mostly in control of my life, and I enjoy every minute of that feeling, but most of the time I'm constantly aware of (time to be dramatic!) the IMPENDING DOOM following me around, waiting for me to make a huge mistake.
   It's not that I'm trying to be a Debbie-downer inside my head, but it's just that I'm constantly having to adjust my tasks because of my symptoms. I have to find my way around everything using the unconventional or sometimes the slower route and all of that can be extremely frustrating and exhausting!


   Okay, my rant is finished (for now, MUAH-HA-HA-HA).

   Just like I've read, you have to break lists and tasks into smaller pieces whenever your overwhelmed and take one day at a time.
   This can be easier said than done, but you have to at least try.
   Another thing that can be hard to learn if you weren't diagnosed until college, is when to ask for help. I've never used a tutor in my life (granted my parents and grandmother were always there when I needed help/guidance) and even though I know there's no shame in getting one, I'm still apprehensive and nervous about the idea.
   All I know is, it's time for one, in fact it's long overdue. I need one to keep me accountable week to week and to guide me when I'm totally overwhelmed. (Not because I'm stupid or lazy - the stereotype in the back of my mind.)
   I'm relatively new to my area and thus far, it has proven difficult to make a friend in my classes, for various reasons. So, a tutor will help me study in the meantime and more.

   All of this is a constant process of ups, downs, twists, turns and barricades, but it doesn't have to mean failure.

   "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim." - Dory
   ^^^ Couldn't resist. 

   I just bought a 24 pack of multi-colored Sharpie ultra-fine tip pens! I use them for my notes and mindmaps all the time and I needed some new colors. I got the limited edition 80's themed pack. It was a pretty good deal at Walmart. Just had to share.