Every day is a series of choices that add up to make or break your productivity. The article below from ADDitude Magazine gives tips to increase productivity and insight into daily problems ADD'ers face.
    Have you ever noticed being more forgetful or spacey when your with someone else? I've been realizing lately that there are all these little things I forget to do way more often than usual, like forgetting to pick things up, not locking the door, forgetting what I was looking for, and most embarrassing, trying to get a key out of the ignition and then realizing the car is still in drive.........lol. Basically, just multitasking while talking to someone else. But it's definitely better when the meds are taken. 
    Sometimes it's humorous, but it makes the person your with think you're like that all of the time.
    Are you punishing yourself for your ADD problems? "When AD(H)D problems, challenges, and stress make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed with anxiety, consider whether you'd be as hard on someone else as you are on someone else."

Read more at http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/8657.html.
    I noticed today while working out that I was having some trouble getting down the choreography for some of the martial arts sets in Turbo Fire. I'm totally capable of doing them, but I didn't take my ADD pill today because I woke up really late and didn't have class.
    This shows how much the meds can help with concentration not only during reading or listening, but also during exercise.
  "Disturbances of sleep in people with ADHD are common, but are almost completely ignored by our current diagnostic system and in ADHD research. These patterns become progressively worse with age. Recognition of sleep disturbance in ADHD has been hampered by the misattribution of the initial insomnia to the effects of stimulant-class medications. We now recognize that sleep difficulties are associated with ADHD itself, and that stimulant-class medications are often the best treatment of sleep problems rather than the cause of them." - William Dodson, M.D. in ADDitude Magazine

Read the entire article here: http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/757.html
    Having ADD can make you prone to impulsive eating and makes it hard for you to determine what you body really is telling you. The article below from ADDitude Magazine elaborates on the ADD-impulsive overeating connection and provides tips on how to manage it.
   My favorite topic/tip was "Avoid Boredom and Stimulate Your Brain." Not being bored in anything is essential to losing weight! Overall you should be doing something fun or interesting during the day to keep you occupied and stimulated, but your diet should also not be boring or too constricting! Keep calories down but don't deprive yourself of enjoying a moderate serving of your favorite foods.http://www.additudemag.com/adhd/article/7306.html
    Today I ran across http://www.additudemag.com/index.html. They have great articles on many topics pertaining to ADD and ADHD for all ages. I'll be posting some of my favorite articles and slide shows in the next few days.
Tip of the Day: Remember to break up large tasks into smaller sections so that you are not so overwhelmed. Then commend yourself for what you have accomplished thus far.
   This will be my blog dedicated to Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I know from personal experience that it is hard to recognize and accept, especially in women. I'll be talking about research, methods for managing symptoms, social stigmas, how ADD affects relationships, co-morbid conditions, self-esteem, college and my own observations and experiences.

   I hope this blog can help some of you out there who may be thinking that you might have ADD symptoms and don't know who to talk to. Sometimes family and friends of girls and women with ADD can be confused and skeptical of their diagnosis due to the fact that the disorder does not always present itself outwardly, but instead is internalized as the woman suffers quietly.

    It's not easy admitting that you may need help to manage your symptoms. What is most important to remember is that your ADD or ADHD doesn't have to define you. Though it will always be a struggle their are ways to find a balance in your life socially, academically, emotionally and physically in regards to your diet & nutrition. I'll be posting many helpful links to articles and other blogs that I have found and discussing the topics as well.

    Feel free to join in on the discussions! I'd love to here your view points and suggestions as well. We have common experiences that can bring us together.