Today I ran across They have great articles on many topics pertaining to ADD and ADHD for all ages. I'll be posting some of my favorite articles and slide shows in the next few days.
Tip of the Day: Remember to break up large tasks into smaller sections so that you are not so overwhelmed. Then commend yourself for what you have accomplished thus far.
   This will be my blog dedicated to Adult Attention Deficit Disorder. I know from personal experience that it is hard to recognize and accept, especially in women. I'll be talking about research, methods for managing symptoms, social stigmas, how ADD affects relationships, co-morbid conditions, self-esteem, college and my own observations and experiences.

   I hope this blog can help some of you out there who may be thinking that you might have ADD symptoms and don't know who to talk to. Sometimes family and friends of girls and women with ADD can be confused and skeptical of their diagnosis due to the fact that the disorder does not always present itself outwardly, but instead is internalized as the woman suffers quietly.

    It's not easy admitting that you may need help to manage your symptoms. What is most important to remember is that your ADD or ADHD doesn't have to define you. Though it will always be a struggle their are ways to find a balance in your life socially, academically, emotionally and physically in regards to your diet & nutrition. I'll be posting many helpful links to articles and other blogs that I have found and discussing the topics as well.

    Feel free to join in on the discussions! I'd love to here your view points and suggestions as well. We have common experiences that can bring us together.